2024 Completed Access to Information Requests


The following list contains summaries of completed requests. Requests focusing on personal information are not included.


Request number
Summary of Request
Number of pages disclosed
Year: 2024
Month: January
Request number: 23-2332
Summary of Request: Please provide a list of passenger boardings at every station in the VIA Rail network in the year 2023 [January 1st to October 31st 2023, inclusively]. (Closed 2024-01-29)
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages disclosed: 7
Year: 2024
Month: February
Request number: 23-2335
Summary of Request: All information regarding the investigation into the alleged ‘missed critical observation’ including but not limited to all email correspondence from and to Mr. P. Charbachi regarding ‘Broken 304d rod swt 105’, all email correspondence from and to Mr. P. Charbachi regarding the name ‘[Redacted]’, any VIA documents relating to the incident on or investigation for the ‘Broken 340d rod swt 105’ and any VIA documents relating to ‘[Redacted]’ ban from VIA property. (Closed 2024-02-28)
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 24
Year: 2024
Month: February
Request number: 23-2343
Summary of Request: On-time performance data for the Quebec-Montreal and Montreal-Ottawa corridors for the periods 2023 (12-month), 2018 – 2023 (5-year), forecast on performance data, expectations for the periods 2024 (12-month) and 2024-2029 (5-year) and any changes expected to performance on the Quebec-Montreal corridor for the 24-month outlook (Closed 2024-02-26)
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages disclosed: 1
Year: 2024
Month: February
Request number: 23-2344
Summary of Request: Please provide the latest rail data information near 3650 Danforth Ave., Toronto (intersections or Danforth Ave and Birchmount Rd.) Specific info with respect to the following would be appreciated: rail traffic volume and operation schedule, typical train make-up (number of locomotives and cars per train), operating speed. (Closed 2024-02-26)
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages disclosed: 1
Year: 2024
Month: February
Request number: 23-2345
Summary of Request: (…) I need a copy of the accident report on January 30, 2024. (Closed 2024-02-26)
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 6
Year: 2024
Month: March
Request number: 23-2333
Summary of Request: I would like copies of all records related to an accident/incident involving a VIA Rail train [train #59] and a pedestrian in Kingston, Ontario near Collins Bay and Bath Road [on January 2, 2024] that occurred sometime between [8:15 PM] and 9:45 PM. I am seeking relevant records from 30 minutes before the accident/incident until January 7, 2024. Please include all records [notes, reports, logs, correspondence (sent and received e-mails and/or messages)] created, received and/or kept by staff/crew [onboard] the VIA Rail train involved [train #59]. Please also include all records [notes, reports, logs, correspondence (sent and received e-mail and/or messages)] created and/or kept by other VIA Rail employees not aboard the affected train [train #59] including but not limited to station staff and/or office/administrative employees [within the Network Operations department within VIA Rail], who were involved in the handling, management and/or fallout from the accident/incident. Please also include audio and/or video recordings/files captured by devices of, aboard and/or affixed to the train involved in the accident/incident [train #59], including but not limited to any that are forward-facing, in cab or otherwise. Of these recordings/files, please limit what is provided to clips beginning three minutes before the accident/incident occurred until one minute after the train resumed its journey after its stoppage. Please only provide only single copies of records (exclude duplicates). Please also refrain from marking information not pertaining to the accident/incident as 'not relevant' or 'non-responsive'. Please only remove/redact information that [is covered by] the ATIA (Closed 2024-03-12)
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 68
Year: 2024
Month: March
Request number: 23-2334
Summary of Request: Copy of a contract between VIA Rail for ‘handyman’ services. (Closed 2024-03-18)
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 34
Year: 2024
Month: March
Request number: 23-2340
Summary of Request: Please provide the total amount of alcohol purchases made by VIA Rail for the calendar years of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Also provide total amount of alcohol sales for those same years. (Closed 2024-03-06)
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages disclosed: 1
Year: 2024
Month: March
Request number: 23-2341
Summary of Request: Please provide the total annual spending by VIA Rail on advertising for the calendar years of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. (Closed 2024-03-06)
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages disclosed: 1
Year: 2024
Month: March
Request number: 23-2342
Summary of Request: I would like all documents regarding the changes in 2023 to the VIA Preference program. Including rational and benefits to the changes but excluding internal instructions and coaching to staff on how to implement the change. Documents regarding the benefits to changing the VIA Preference system in 2023. (Closed 2024-03-12)
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 74
Year: 2024
Month: March
Request number: 23-2348
Summary of Request: Since January 1, 2023, all analyses, studies, reports and all other relevant documents, including e-mail exchanges between employees of your organization and also exchanges with representatives of the Quebec government, concerning the extension of VIA Rail Canada's Réseau express métropolitain (REM) between Montréal-Trudeau Airport and Dorval Station. (Closed 2024-03-12)
Disposition: No records exist
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: June
Request number: 23-2349
Summary of Request: I am looking for the up-to-date agreement that VIA Rail has with Siemens Mobility [more specifically, regarding signaling and control services] to operate within the VIA-owned network in southern Ontario [the Smith Falls, Windsor, Chatham and Alexandria subdivisions]. (Closed 2024-06-04)
Disposition: Disclosed entirely
Number of pages disclosed: 140
Year: 2024
Month: June
Request number: 24-2408
Summary of Request: I need a copy of my call on Dec 08/2023 with your manager Carson. Please send me a copy of that call. Search with ref# HZH057. (Closed 2024-06-17)
Disposition: Disclosed entirely. We emailed a copy of the recording of her call.
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: June
Request number: 24-2410
Summary of Request: I need a copy of the mill certificates for all new rail installed on via owned trackage from 2021 to 2024.
Disposition: Disclosed entirely.
Number of pages disclosed: 111
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2412
Summary of Request: I need a copy of my calls between November and January. Please send me a copy of those calls. Search with ref# HZH057.
Disposition: Disclosed entirely.We emailed a copy of the recording of her call.
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2403
Summary of Request: My request of VIA Rail Canada, under the ATIP request provisions is in five parts:
1. I request a copy of the contract(s) between VIA Rail Canada and CAD Railway Industries of Quebec for the tear-down inspection of VIA Rail Head-End Power/stainless steel fleet cars at the CAD facility from 2022 to the present, including what services were to be provided by CAD, cost of the services, project timelines and disposition of the tested cars and
2. the final disposition and/or dates of scrapping of each VIA Rail Head-End Power/stainless steel fleet car tested at the CAD facility, and
3. the final disposition and/or dates of scrapping of each VIA Rail Head-End Power/stainless steel fleet car at the National Research Council facilities in Ottawa and
4. whether any major or minor car components were provided/sold to any entity other than VIA Rail or CAD and a listing thereof
5. In all four preceding parts of my request, I request copies of all email communications sent or received by VIA Rail management and staff pertinent to the above.
Disposition: Disclosed entirely.
Number of pages disclosed: 137
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2405
Summary of Request: Would you please be so kind as to provide us with a short video that was taken of the train and the golf cart after the accident.
Disposition: Not disclosed.
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2414
Summary of Request: Please provide the amount spent per year on donations or other forms of charitable giving by your department agency from Jan 1, 2016, to today.
Disposition: Entirely disclosed.
Number of pages disclosed: 1
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2416
Summary of Request: Who is in charge of my employment contract with VIA Rail.
Disposition: Not disclosed.
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2411
Summary of Request: All available older editions of via rail's brand guidelines and the livery drawings for siemens "charger" locomotives.
Disposition: Disclosed in part.
Number of pages disclosed: 180
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2413
Summary of Request: Please provide the amount spent on art costs (decorations) by year and department from jan 1, 2016 to july 4, 2024.
Disposition: No records exist.
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2409
Summary of Request: List of boardings at each station in 2023 from January 1 to December 31, 2023 and a breakdown for each month of 2023 of the number of trains cancelled, delayed or replaced by a bus departing from Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Sainte-Foy and Quebec City stations.
Disposition: Entirely disclosed.
Number of pages disclosed: 9
Year: 2024
Month: July
Request number: 24-2415
Summary of Request: Please provide records or documents detailing our company's current real estate portfolio including location, purpose, acquistion date and asset value of the property.
Disposition: Entirely disclosed.
Number of pages disclosed: 1
Year: 2024
Month: August
Request number: 24-2421
Summary of Request: Ontario Northland is requesting a copy of the Technical Services and Spares Supply Agreement and Associated documents that VIA established with Siemens for the Venture-Charger Trainsets.
Disposition: Disclosed entirely
Number of pages disclosed: 138
Year: 2024
Month: August
Request number: 24-2424
Summary of Request: I wish to determine by this request how often VIA-HFR Inc. Board-of-Directors travel aboard VIA Rail trains. VIA-HFR Inc Board Members travel for free on VIA as a benefit of their position with the Corporation, and therefore should travel by VIA Rail in preference to all other modes of travel in the interest of reducing the burden of their travel expenses on the taxpayers. I therefore respectfully request the full rail pass travel record, or in any event a full record of travel aboard VIA Rail, including dates of travel as well as departure and arrival cities for the past 10 years, for each VIA-HFR Inc.
Disposition: Not Disclosed (deferred to VIA HFR)
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: September
Request number: 24-2417
Summary of Request: Provide all contracts, agreements, discussions, and other correspondence between VIA Rail and any contractors used to develop the advertising campaign regarding artificial intelligence and VIA's new trains.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 175
Year: 2024
Month: September
Request number: 24-2418
Summary of Request: Provide all costs, broken down into relevant categories, for VIA Rail to promote, across all platforms, the advertisement that refers to artificial intelligence and its new trains.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 175
Year: 2024
Month: October
Request number: 24-2423
Summary of Request: Determine how often VIA Rail's Board-of-Directors travel aboard VIA Rail trains. Provide full rail pass travel record, or in any event a full record of travel aboard VIA Rail, including dates of travel as well as departure and arrival cities for the past 10 years, for each of the following VIA Rail board members: Françoise Bertrand, Grant Christoff, Daniel Gallivan, Jonathan Goldbloom, Miranda Keating Erickson, Glenn Rainbird, Gail Stephens, Kenneth Tan, Catherine Kloepfer, Filipe Dinis.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 9
Year: 2024
Month: November
Request number: 24-2427
Summary of Request: Provide responses to the questions below and copies of all pertinent email communications sent or received by VIA management.
1. What specific evidence was supplied to VIA by CN regarding specific concerns or any actual close-calls, i.e. incidents when crossing protection signals were not activated by Venture trains in revenue service in 2022, 2023 or 2024?
2. What operational adjustments were considered or made to ensure safety prior to October 11, 2024 in response to concerns expressed to VIA by CN in 2021, 2022, 2023 or 2024?
3. What monitoring of compliance to the VIA System Notice VN24-2023 (or subsequent) by VIA train crews, was performed on or after October 11, 2024?
4. How have passengers been informed of the CN-imposed speed reductions, and their impact on on-time performance of a given VIA Venture train, before or after booking a ticket?
5. What other technology, remedies or further operational adjustments is VIA discussing or considering implementing to better respond to CN's concerns, to ensure Venture trains can operate on-time?
6. Has VIA discussed or considered lengthening Venture trains to 32 or more axles to meet CN's concerns re: current 24-axle trains requiring speed reductions to ensure safety?
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 15
Year: 2024
Month: November
Request number: 24-2428
Summary of Request: Provide the following information:
The ridership who traveled on the Sudbury – White River route, by station, in 2023 ;
The ridership who traveled on the Washago – Rice Lake route, by station, in 2023 ;
The on-time performance rate on the Sudbury – White River route for the period 2022-2023 ;
The on-time performance rate on the Washago – Rice Lake route in 2022-2023 ;
Service disruptions and their reasons on the Sudbury – White River route in 2023 ;
Service disruptions and their reasons on the Washago – Rice Lake route in 2023 ;
Reports concerning the reasons for the reduction in service frequency on the Washago – Rice Lake route, from 3 to 2 times per week, particularly in the remote regions of Northern Ontario, for the period 2012 to 2018;
Reports describing why VIA did not take over the train service on the Algoma route (Sault-Ste-Marie to Hearst) when this service was canceled, for the period 2013 to 2016.
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages disclosed: 47
Year: 2024
Month: November
Request number: 24-2429
Summary of Request: Train 622 on August 31, 2024 – Provide any and all information pertaining the actions of the employees, management, staff, passengers and customers during and after the train delay and the follow up and investigations and enquiries and results. This is to include but no limited to any and all emails, text messages, voice mails, notes, reports, radio transmissions, videos, photographs, audio, complaints, correspondences, discussions, statements, interviews, and investigations. This must also include the actions/inaction of onboard staff and the consequences of their actions. Release the information as it becomes available.
Disposition: All exempted
Number of pages disclosed: 0
Year: 2024
Month: December
Request number: 24-2430
Summary of Request: Provide the noise studies and risk studies related to noise in the workplace that have been carried out at VIA Rail since January 12, 1977 and until September 12, 2024.
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 670
Year: 2024
Month: December
Request number: 24-2431
Summary of Request: Provide detailed information regarding ambient noise levels emitted by VIA Rail Canada locomotives, including but not limited to:
1. Measured data on locomotive noise levels in operation, in various environments and conditions, both inside and outside the Montreal Maintenance Center, for LRC (6900's), GMD FP9 and FP7 (6500's) and MLW FP4 (6700's) series locomotives;
2. The methods and criteria used to measure these noise levels;
3. Reports or studies concerning the noise impact of locomotives on employees.

Provide health and safety reports for Montreal Central Station's sedentary employees from 2000 to 2023:

1. Measured data on noise levels from mobile equipment used in the daily work of sedentary personnel;
2. Methods and criteria used to measure noise levels;
3. Reports or studies concerning the noise impact on employees caused by equipment on passenger boarding platforms and in the various departments of the Montreal Central Station, such as the baggage hall and the employee service center (ESC).
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages disclosed: 653
Year: 2024
Month: December
Request number: 24-2433
Summary of Request: Provide track details and rail traffic date for the Smith Falls rail corridor, near Merivale Road and Brookdale Avenue in Ottawa. The information needed includes: whether the track is welded, whether and where the train whistles occur, and the following details for each type of train that uses the track: number of locomotive, type of engine (diesel or electric), number of cars, number of trains between 07:00 and 23:00, number of trains between 23:00 and 07:00, train speed.

Also provide the per-annum traffic increase that should be assumed over a 10-year period.
Disposition: All disclosed
Number of pages disclosed: 101