2014 Completed Access to Information Requests


The following list contains summaries of completed requests. Requests focusing on personal information are not included.


Request number Summary of Request Disposition Number of pages disclosed

All real estate transactions declared as “surplus land” on Montréal Island for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

No record found -

Briefing material prepared or modified in 2013 for the CEO about VIA Rail passenger rail service on Vancouver Island.

Disclosed in part 93

Access to an electronic file of all the employees of Via Rail, their positions and their salary classifications as of November 26, 2013

All disclosed 31

All databases containing any data from January 01, 2000, to December, 06, 2013, pertaining to safety incidents involving passengers or freight rail transport, including accidents, crashes, spills, explosions, derailment, leaks, etc.

All disclosed 33
13-1337 All records of submissions where the submitter selected the “Questions/Suggestions/Comments” sent through VIA Rail’s online Contact Us form, which is available at www.viarail.ca/en/contact-us and www.viarail.ca/fr/nous-joindre, from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2013. Disclosed in part 2,351
13-1338 Wherever lists show suppliers, including individuals, consultants, or firms that have obtained a contract or a deal with VIA Rail Canada and are former civil servants or employees who receive a pension by virtue of the Public Service Superannuation Act or from the Government of Canada, from January 1st, 2010, to February 7th, 2014. Disclosed in part 6

Copy of an incident report (Sunday, May 19, 2013 – aboard train #54 to Ottawa).

No records exist 0

The list of all contracts granted by VIA Rail Canada for years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 to date. The documents should show the name of each supplier, the type of work entrusted, the date, the year, the contract’s original value, any and all overspending or financial modification for each granted contract.

Disclosed in part  

Information on the Windsor Station Project and as much details on the project as possible. Any document that details all aspects of the project: costs, construction details, funding, materials, contractor details, length of time it took to construct, etc.

All disclosed 2

A copy of VIA Rail Procurement and Financial Manual dealing with procurement and contracting processes and financial concerning the selection of consultants when awarding a direct award contract and sole source contract in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

All disclosed 470

A copy of a VIA Rail’s code of conduct in effect on the day of employment and the day of termination of Mrs. X employment at VIA Rail in 2013.

All disclosed 26
13-1349 A copy of the front and back of the business cards of all physical persons who are currently consultants listed in paragraph above (all physical persons who are currently consultants for VIA Rail’s Legal and Corporate Affairs department) which bears their printed name, title and email address, the VIA Rail logo and/or VIA Rail head office address.” All disclosed 1

A copy of the front and back of Mr. X business card which bears Mr. X printed name, his title and email address, the VIA Rail logo, and/or VIA Rail’s head office address.

No records exist -

A copy of the job description and salary range of the Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate secretary position the date the position was first created and all position reclassifications after the date this position was created.”

All disclosed 5

A copy of all documents indicating the number of permanent, part time, and contract employees of VIA rail. Their salaries, bonuses and premiums. The number of overtime hours paid for each year from 2005 to 2013.

Treated informally -

Nothing to report.


A copy of the job description in 2013 and 2014 for each chief’s job listed on VIA Rail’s web site under “About VIA Rail”, “Management Team”. It is not necessary to provide the job descriptions for the Senior Director, Safety & Corporate Security and for the Chief Marketing and Sale Officer.

All disclosed 19

All records concerning VIA Rail’s policy on temporary recruitment and staffing activities, which includes solicited and unsolicited applications for temporary assignments, secondments, deployments, and other temporary work assignments or arrangements.

All disclosed 14

A copy of all records created for any internal job posting on the VIA Rail intranet web site for the Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary position. A copy of the record of the dates and number of VIA Rail employees who applied or were invited by VIA Rail to apply internally for the position of Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary. These employees include those who are lawyers or notaries, or who hold a law degree and work in Departments other than Legal Services.

All disclosed 4

A copy of VIA Rail’s Human Resources manual and its Purchasing & Finance Manual which outlines the company’s policy on hiring consultants.

All disclosed 184

A copy of all of VIA Rail’s organizational job chart(s) for each Chief listed on VIA Rail’s web site under “About VIA Rail”, “Management team” as existed on January 1st (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014).

All disclosed 511

A copy of the records held by VIA Rail’s Human Resources Department which established or currently establishes institutional guidelines for the payment of separation allowances and all other employment termination benefits for management employees that was in effect on January 1st (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and/or is still in effect on the date of reception of payment for this request).

All disclosed 14

The number of complaints from the general public VIA Rail Canada receives per year, or specifically for 2013 and if they are broken down by subject IE; late train, customer service issues, specifically for Toronto Union Station complaints statistics, and what percentage are deemed invalid, or when the complainant is compensated.

Disclosed in part 12

From January 1, 2010, to date of reception of this request, a complete and full copy of VIA Rail’s manual of procedures and policies on Access to Information and Privacy.

The above records must include a blank copy of: the delegation of authority under both Acts and all internal forms for the handling of Access to Information requests.

These records must include any other standard VIA Rail internal forms, notes, memos or emails used for the purpose of: handling and communicating access to information requests within VIA Rail.
All disclosed 225

From January 1, 2010, to the date of VIA Rail’s reception of request, a copy of all records indicating the Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator’s instruction(s) and/or authorization(s) to change any procedure and/or policy under VIA Rail’s procedures and policies on Access to Information and Privacy. These records must include all signed and/or unsigned documents, notes, memos, emails, etc. from the Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.

No records exist -

From January 1, 2010, to the date of reception of request, a copy of all written instructions, notes, memos, emails, etc. sent to persons authorized under VIA Rail’s delegation of authority under the Acts instructing these persons to change VIA Rail’s Access to Information and Privacy policy procedure and/or policies.

No records exist -

A copy of all forms, instructions, notes, memos, emails, etc. used by VIA Rail pursuant to its manual of procedures and policies on Access to Information and Privacy for the purpose of the internal handling of Access to Information Requests X to Y, during and after the 30 day statutory delay to produce records for each of these requests.

Disclosed in part 88

A copy of the current contract of employment for Emmanuelle Boutin Gilbert.

Disclosed in part 6

A copy of the contract of employment of Me Gabrielle Caron.

Disclosed in part 5

The information for March 14th 2011 when two VIA Rail employees came to Toronto General Hospital between 13:00 to 14:00.

No records exist 0

The VIAFast 2000 study uncensored, English and French versions.

Exempted -

The food provider at the Montréal Maintenance Centre:
1. Selection criteria for food providers at the Montréal Maintenance Centre.
2. The other companies who submitted offers for the contract.
3. The duration of the contract for the company who operates food services at the Montréal Maintenance Centre.
4. The publication date for the invitation to tender for the renewal of the contract.

A copy of the invitation to tender and of the contract between VIA Rail and Service Alimentaire Laniel St-Laurent.
All disclosed 79
14-1414 Any and all written correspondence between VIA Rail and Minister of Transport Lisa Raitt, Member of Parliament John Baird and/or Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre, or their staff, between April 1, 2014 and April 14, 2014. No records exist -
14-1415 Any and all statistics kept regarding the number of signal malfunctions, fail-safe modes and/or out of service advanced warning devices at railway crossings, by location, for 2012 to present. Disclosed in part 32
14-1417 Copies of correspondences and reports dealing with the malfunction of rail signals (lights, bells and barriers) at VIA Rail road crossings near the Fallowfield Station, in the Ottawa suburb of Barrhaven. Moreover, copies of any records of maintenance work done on these locations. This is for the period January 1, 2009 to January 1, 2014 and specifically for the VIA Rail crossings at six intersections: Woodroffe Avenue, the OC Transitway, Fallowfield Road, Jockvale Road, Greenbank Road and Strandherd Road. Disclosed in part 70
14-1423 Recent numbers or trends over past years of people who get off or on with their canoes at Peterbell (Ontario) on the way to Missanabie from Sudbury Junction. Treated informally -
13-1342 A copy of all contracts signed by VIA Rail with Cofomo. These records must include the contract under which Mrs. Crevier provided professional IT services to VIA Rail as a consultant. Disclosed in part 684
13-1348 A copy of all professional service contracts, signed between January 1, 2010, to date for the provision of consulting services for VIA Rail’s Legal and Corporate Affairs department. Only records of physical person are required. Any contracts concluded with a moral person are not necessary. Disclosed in part 183
13-1350 A copy of all check requisitions and a copy of cheques issued to pay all consultants listed in paragraph above (all physical persons who are currently consultants listed in paragraph above: consulting services for VIA Rail’s Legal and Corporate Affairs department). All disclosed 2
13-1351 A copy of all standard form used by VIA Rail’s Accounting and Purchasing Departments in the evaluation, award and preparation of the letter of engagement or contract signed Delegatus in 2013 and/or 2014 . Disclosed in part 2
13-1352 A copy of the procedure for the supplier selection used by VIA Rail’s accounting. Purchasing and Legal Department which recorded the direct contract award and/or sole source criteria for the approval and selection of Mr. Legault under the Delegatus Contract. Disclosed in part 2
13-1353 A copy of all email exchanges between VIA Rail’s Legal Department, its Procurement Department and any VIA Rail Executive for the selection, award and payment of the Delegatus Contract. Disclosed in part 39
13-1354 A copy of VIA Rail’s records including notes, memos and accounting records for the authorization and allocation of funds for the payments of the Delegatus Contract. Disclosed in part 16
13-1355 A copy of all cheque requisitions and a copy of cheques issued for payment under the Delegatus Contract. No records exist -
13-1356 All records used or created in Mr. Legault’s name to open a VIA Rail computer account with an assigned password, cell phone account with an assigned password, and records to obtain any electronic pass to enter and exit the head office premises. All disclosed 3
13-1363 A copy of the records for the period prior to the Delegatus contract award which indicates the number of law firms, companies and/or individual external lawyers identified by the Legal Department as able to perform the scope of services concluded in the letter of engagement or contract signed with Delegatus in 2013 and/or 2014. The records of the process used to evaluate the ability of any law firm, company and/or external lawyer who was considered by VIA Rail must be provided. Disclosed in part 1
13-1364 Before the date the Delegatus contract was signed, copies of records of all internal correspondence including notes, memos, emails, text messages, Post-it adhesive sticky notes and all electronic or hand-written calendar/agenda entries by any Executive and/or employee in the Legal Department, Purchasing Department and/or Human Resources Department who either evaluated and/or checked on each potential external candidate, their interest to be hired, their availability, and/or who was invited or solicited to submit a financial proposal concerning work to be performed as relates to the Board of Directors and other legal tasks in the Legal Department. Disclosed in part 41
13-1366 From January 1, 2010 onwards, for each Chief listed on VIA Rail’s web site under “About VIA Rail”, “Management team”. A copy of the job description, job title, internal job classification level and salary range. Disclosed in part 164
13-1368 A copy of all Human Resource records which classifies management jobs, the contribution level and salary range which the institution has assigned to each management positions as existed on January 1st (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014) is required. A copy of the internal Human Resource records which describes all internal job coding, job rating information and/or legends used by the institution in its jobs classification system. Disclosed in part 36
14-1402 Information concerning the hiring of contractual employee Solange Crevier and about the hiring process for this type of job, for example: interview, references, inquiry by the Corporation’s security service, etc. All disclosed 3
14-1404 Information concerning the selection criteria for the company or companies who carry out construction work on VIA Rail premises and on the other companies who submitted to obtain a contract. A paper copy of the contract(s) between VIA Rail and the company Victor et François between the year 2000 and today, a copy of all the calls to tender for these contracts, and all other pertinent documents. Disclosed in part 1,048
14-1429 Copies of all of the tenders for the crew accommodation in White River, Ontario, following invitation to tender # 201405012 that closed June 10, 2014, and was sent to Suzanne Lacasse, Senior Officer Procurement. Disclosed in part 39
14-1430 Copies of the safety inspection referenced in the VIA Rail June 25, 2014 media release and any other associated pictures, videos and/or briefing notes related to the aforementioned inspection. Disclosed in part 61
14-1431 Information regarding the parking lot contract VIA Rail has with the company that operates the London, Ontario, and Windsor, Ontario, station. Moreover, information regarding the contract length, payment agreement, and terms of termination or extension. Disclosed in part 89

Site Location: 591 Longfields Drive, Barrhaven, Ontario, South of Fallowfield VIA station between Fallowfield and Strandherd Drive.

Verification on present train volumes. Projected growth for train volumes to year 2031.

Other required information includes train speeds through this location, whistle locations, average number of cars per train and number of locomotives per train.
Disclosed in part 2
14-1436 The total cost, from each of the last five years, of arranging for/purchasing alternate forms of transportation, such as coach buses, to transport passengers in unexpected circumstances, such as derailments, mechanical problems, etc. All disclosed 1
14-1440 Number of employees broken down by Permanent Full Time, Permanent Part Time, Temporary and Seasonal for the following Saskatoon location. If number of employees broken down is not possible, we are happy to merely accept total number of employees located at the Saskatoon Railway Station. All disclosed 1
13-1343 A copy of all company policies, internal notes, memos and correspondence dealing with Mrs. Crevier’s authority to bind VIA Rail and issue payment to 3rd parties in her role as a consultant for Cofomo. All disclosed 340
13-1344 The records which include VIA Rail’s internal procurement and contracting processes as well as the financial policies applicable to the purchasing, Legal and IT Departments in 2012 and 2013. These records must also include all email exchanges between the Legal, Procurement and IT Departments concerning each Department’s respective approval or non-approval of the Cofomo contract award under which Mrs. Crevierprovided professional IT services as a consultant. Disclosed in part 520
13-1347 A copy of any letter of engagement or contract signed with Delegatus in 2013 and/or 2014. Disclosed in part 2
14-1447 A copy of the time sheets and other records used to identify these 5,725 emails for the ATIP request 13-1365 (uncompleted) which requested a copy of all records wherein the Chief Legal Officer requested work be performed by a VIA Rail employee or 3rd party, and all tasks he has assigned to a VIA Rail employee or 3rd party for completion." All disclosed 8
14-1444 Current salary for the Chairman and Directors of VIA Rail Canada inc. Disclosed in part 1
14-1452 Information about the track located in St-Thomas-de-Joliette (Quebec), such as history, right of way, etc. No records exist -
14-1443 Information concerning passenger counts, foodservice sales and operating model. All disclosed 1
14-1456 Information updated about the request number 14-1423: "Recent numbers or trends over past years of people who get off or on with their canoes at Peterbell (Ontario) on the way to Missanabie from Sudbury Junction" for all summer 2014. All disclosed 1
14-1451 The transportation Service Agreement signed between VIA Rail and Southern Railway of Vancouver Island Corridor Foundation in 2014. Disclosed in part 43
14-1454 Names of baggage handlers who were working on the train on May X, 2014 from Vancouver to Toronto, in Winnipeg, Manitoba Railway Station. Number of passengers and checked bags on the train from Vancouver to Toronto on April X, 2014 and May X, 2014. Disclosed in part 1
14-1457 Number of passengers aboard ''The Ocean'' between December 15th and January 5th. Number of passengers on this train if it is fully booked. The number of litres of fuel that are consumed by this train on a trip between Halifax and Montréal. Disclosed in part 1
14-1458 From Jan. 23, 2014 all documentation and correspondence regarding the publication X, including use and distribution of content via the account mylene_belanger@viarail.ca. All disclosed 90