Early Summer Highlights

VIA Rail and Buttcon continue to work together on the start-up construction activities for the modernization of the Toronto Maintenance Centre (TMC): this includes the arrival of the one tonne workstation crane. Safety and communications continue to be our top priority: over the last two months, VIA Rail distributed pamphlets to the local neighbourhood and to date 195 safety orientation sessions have been completed with team members.
Progress Update
The various activities aimed at modernizing the TMC are progressing on schedule:
- We received the one tonne workstation crane: its installation and soon-to-be active performance is a milestone for the start of the major construction activities on the site.
- The early work construction activities in the RDC shop, Track S2, the VEMS facility and the new Fuel Support Building are ongoing in preparation for the modernization project.
- Preparation began for the new temporary water supply for Building C and included scanning, core cutting, concrete pads, water meter connection, installation of backflow preventer valves, piping, excavation, backfilling, compacting and preparing for asphalt on the east entrance.
- Construction is making steady progress on the Fuel Support Building and preparing the RDC to maintain the existing facility operations.
As the construction team continues to prepare the site, have a look at the video below providing a progress update.
May Spotlight Video
Noise and vibration engineering professional experts continuously monitoring site activities Buttcon has engaged HGC Engineering as the Noise and Vibration professional experts. With professional monitors situated in various locations to monitor noise and vibrations for short-term baseline measurements and longer-term periods when heavy construction is occurring in the vicinity. Focused on minimizing the impact to our neighbourhood and on putting in place mitigation measures, we continue to monitor weekly reports including noise, vibration, air quality and dust control. In addition, our dust control management plan will assist with proactive methods of demolition, dust control procedures, and air monitoring qualities.
The Safety Commitment
Every day, Buttcon and the VIA Rail team continue to ensure that public safety is number one and will be maintained through work zones that are physically separated from public access and high occupant traffic routes around the site and within the TMC facility. VIA Rail and Buttcon’s ongoing safety goal and commitment is to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, trade partners, business associates and the general public.
This is being achieved by working daily in compliance with legislated standards, best industry practices and through a joint effort in executing the corporate safety programs. These programs promote safety awareness, guidance and education when it comes to best safety practices and procedures for all involved on the site. To ensure a safe and co-ordinated approach, detailed, site-specific safety orientations are being held continuously with VIA Rail and Buttcon construction team members.
June Spotlight Video
Communications with our neighbours
Signs have been erected on site, including a dedicated phone number for the community and a link to this website for questions and concerns. VIA Rail distributed door-to-door hangers to all TMC neighbours, with information about the modernization project, and how they can access the VIA Rail website to stay up-to-date.